XY Chargers

The Altec Charger is an all-electric design that can achieve cycle times of up to 22 blocks per minute, making it the fastest available charger. The charger comes with the new Altec XY Scanner, the most advanced on the market today.

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XY Chargers
Revolutionizing Charging and XY Scanning

Revolutionizing Charging and XY Scanning

By using precision roller screw actuators and electric servo motors, the electric charger is very precise, fast and quiet. This allows for the complete removal of the charger hydraulic power unit, valves, piping, and cooling system, while mitigating the environmental harm they can produce. With innovative true linear x and y axis positioning, the calibration, maintenance and troubleshooting process is greatly simplified.

Altec XY Scanner

Altec XY Scanner

The Altec XY Scanner and charger controls package is a high performance, cost-effective drop-in replacement solution for upgrading existing XY scanning and geometric positioning systems on veneer lathes. The system uses advanced line-scanning laser sensors and a fully electric charger, providing superior round-up complete and carriage retract solutions, yielding both increased recovery and production over conventional scanning systems. This system is fully configurable to handle a wide range of block lengths and diameters. The scanner has the ability to scan and rotate during the lift period which dramatically reduces cycle time. Improve your maximum recovery with an Altec XY scanner!

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Easy to Install & Retrofit

Easy to Install & Retrofit

The Altec XY Scanner is modular, scalable and user-friendly. The system can be easily retrofitted to existing lathe charger systems, and has an install time of 72 hours or less, depending on the configuration. Servicing sensors on the system is simple—fully integrated comprehensive alarming and system diagnostics make the scanner easy to use and maintain.

Charging & Scanning

Charging & Scanning

The Altec XY Scanner System is more than just convenience or ease of use. Altec is about increasing the bottom line. Our proprietary charging system is faster and more precise than competitors. Combined with our XY scanner, the electric version can completely replace environmentally harmful and tricky-to-maintain hydraulic systems while reducing maintenance overhead. That means more uptime. That means more profit. Checkout a video on our Electric Charger in action.



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